Friday, July 13, 2012


So I decided to start a food blog because I've discovered that as my friends and colleagues at work have asked me more and more about my opinions on food-related things, I've discovered that I really enjoy sharing my experiences with different foods and different restaurants that I frequent.

Most of my food adventures happen during lunchtime. I try to make it a priority to leave the office for lunch, it doesn't always happen but it happens far more often than not. So what I post here will be sharing some of my opinions on what I like and what I don't like about where and what I eat. I work in the Courthouse area of Arlington, Virginia so a lot of what I talk about will be focused in the Courthouse-Clarendon neighborhood. But my job also has me out and about for lunch engagements in DC and traveling frequently  around the U.S. and my wife and I frequent establishments in Falls Church and DC, as well as the occasional foray to Williamsburg or Connecticut. So despite the blog's name, I don't plan to limit myself just to lunch. I also will probably talk about multiple places multiple times. I make no apologies for talking about my favorites and why they are my favorites and for frequenting places I like.

I chose the name Brazen Lunch because I have no plans to do anything with this blog other than to share what I think, so if you're reading it, chances are you want my opinion so I'm not afraid to give it to you straight up. I have no delusions of being some crazy food or restaurant critic. But I do like helping people to enjoy what I've enjoyed. So....enjoy! Or not.

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