Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Baltimore's Pratt Street Ale House

A few weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure to attend Baltimore Comic-Con. While we had an absolute blast, we don't really frequent Baltimore much despite its relative proximity to where we live. We ended up driving both days of the con, due to our inability to procure a reasonably priced hotel room, which at around an hour wasn't too bad. Our first day we ended up "dining" on convention "food" which for her were what were generously called chicken tenders and for me was a cold Italian sandwich. I do not recommend either. Our second day we were meeting up with a good friend and former coworker of mine and his son (both of whom are nerd inclined - awesome). So we decided to try and venture out into a local eatery to find something more edible. We ended up at the Pratt Street Ale House, which was packed and fantastic.